IFS Quarterly Update

IFS Quarterly Update

Good Morning And welcome to what is now the 7th issue of the quarterly email we produce. As a reminder, this is exclusively for those of you that have been kind enough to put your trust, faith and money in the hands of IFS, and are paying for our services. This is a...
IFS Quarterly Update

IFS Quarterly Update

Afternoon All We move into December, where did that year go! I decided to leave this email until it’s due time, as opposed to bringing it forward following the irst Labour Budget at the very end of December. Budget For me, it was a bit of an anti-climax, as I...
IFS Quarterly Update

IFS Quarterly Update

Hello again Welcome to Issue 5 of our quarterly emails. This being the fifth version, means this time last year was the first time these were circulated. Thanks to those of you who have provided positive feedback, thankfully there’s been no negatives. So without...
IFS Quarterly Update

IFS Quarterly Update

Hello, welcome and thank you for taking time out of your day to read the latest in our quarterly email updates we distribute. I do hope you find these informative, and appreciate everyone’s continued support. As a reminder, these are circulated to keep you up to...
IFS Quarterly Update

IFS Quarterly Update

Celebrating 10 years of Ideal Financial Solutions Limited! For those of you that weren’t aware, February 14th 2024 we celebrated our 10th anniversary as Ideal Financial Solutions Limited whilst up in Wales, where we also climbed the infamous Mount Snowdon. The former...
IFS Quarterly Update

IFS Quarterly Update

Hello all, welcome to issue 2 of our quarterly emails exclusive to our Premier Club members. I’m sure you’re either already settling in for the festive season, or maybe just cramming in as much as you can before that well earned break. We’ll try therefore try to keep...